“waiting on eggs” thread – Buff/Black Orpingtons- WAIT D WAIT IS OVER!

What a beeeeautiful flock!
They all look SO ready. Soon you'll have an avalanche of eggs!
Be prepared.
That doesn't stop it! LOL I have an older group of girls and it didn't stop me from being frustrated waiting on the first egg from my young girls. I finally have 1 laying and now I'm impatient to see what my EEers will lay.
AWWW!!!! Your BO's look like mine!!! They are such pretty birds!

And don't worry, they will lay soon...mine started about a month ago with 3 eggs for their first time now I average 4 everyday, I have 5 girls so it all adds up!!

Good Luck! OHHHH I do have a question though, when did your BO roo start to grow his spurs? Mine hasn't started yet so I want to know about when so I can remove them.... thanks!!


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I bought my baby chicks as all pullets and had to find my BO roo from another flock. He was about 1 yr when I got him and he already had decent spurs... so im not sure. You have a very nice flock

You sure have beautiful girls! It shouldn't be much longer when you'll get your big surprise one morning! My 3 buff orpingtons started laying between 19-20 weeks. I have 6 layers and get 4-6 eggs per day at this time.

Here's everyone enjoying a platter of greens! June 7th

Here are some eggs from June 27th.

Good luck, have fun!!

I bought my baby chicks as all pullets and had to find my BO roo from another flock. He was about 1 yr when I got him and he already had decent spurs... so im not sure. You have a very nice flock

THANK YOU!!! Yours are purdy too

AND to vnploveschickens WOW what big eggs!! Very nice!
Pretty pretty girls and they look very healthy to boot!
Not to rub it in, but I GOT MY FIRST EGG! Just today! I wrote yesterday that I had lost all the girls but one, so maybe she got bored and started laying. I took the boards advice and got a laying hen and they are there tonight together. I think their sorting out whose boss.

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